"Librarians are hiding something."..Stephen Colbert

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 9, Thing # 22, eBooks

World eBook Fair collection contains letters, essays, etc. from the great philosophers. Could replace the rain-soaked collection of same that used to be used every year by a social studies teacher! Also the government printing collection... Even a collection of math books... And physics... Some music... The technical book collection alone would be personally worth seeing... Looks like a pretty good deal for 8.95/year.

Librovox, perhaps not so much, but Google's eBook search worked well on the "philosopher" test. (Did I mention Google and world ownership earlier in this blog??)

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Sounds like you have something useful to show your social studies teacher -- lots of good conversations will come of useful 2.0 tools with curriculum connections.

You are on the home stretch! School Library Learning 2.0 finishes in one week.

- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager