"Librarians are hiding something."..Stephen Colbert

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 5, Thing # 10, Image Generators

I was very excited about the "Simpsonizer", as my husband is a real fan. Tried many times to "Simpsonize" him, but no luck. I don't know if the photo didn't have enough contrast or what the problem was: "the thing-a-ma-bob can't read the do-hickey" (or whatever) didn't give me much guidance as to how to improve my chances. I like the Flickr Toys because you can use your own photos as well as those you find on Flickr.
Tried Image Chef, and created this READ sign. Possibilities there, too.

Flower Text - ImageChef.com
Found a button maker from the list at www.imagegenerator.org. Having spent countless hours last school year creating buttons for my library web site, I can definitely see the usefulness of this program...now, if I can just get it to work...

Another find on the imagegenerator list: Logo Maker

Lots more to explore here.

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