"Librarians are hiding something."..Stephen Colbert

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week 9, Thing # 23, Summary

So we come to the end...or the beginning? This has been a very entertaining and enlightening journey so far. Lots of things to learn and do. Some of my favorites were Flickr and the mashups (sounds like a rock band!), finding some library-oriented blogs that I enjoy, and the many creative suggestions of my colleagues on how to use what we have learned. The timing for this class was excellent, as these are the "things" I was planning to explore this summer on my own. And this program went so much farther than I would have done, since I lacked the knowledge to "know what I needed to know"! There are things I have already discussed with teachers as possibilities for projects for this year. My biggest surprise, probably, was how much fun and anxiety was had over the issue of avatars. I didn't expect we would all care so much! Would I participate in the future? You bet! I am hoping that there will be followups coming. I really liked the format of the "schedule" for the class...I do better with deadlines! and it encouraged lots of us to get a move on, rather than postpone. I wonder if there would be a way to encourage more "social networking" in the future? Joining some of the wikis will help. Hopefully I will make time to keep up.

Thank you to all of the CSLA members who helped create this fun endeavor.

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1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Congratulations! You have successfully completed School Library Learning 2.0 and now are an official member of the CSLA 2.0 Team. WooHoo! Welcome aboard. Your blog has been moved to the "Congratulations - 2.0 Team" list.

Glad you liked our schedule. Deadlines are useful -- and you finished in plenty of time. Invite your colleagues to take the course -- it will be online all year. You are in a great position to cheer along others as they discover 2.0 tools.

Best wishes.
- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team, Project manager